
Day 3, Phildo

Having a huge, somewhat warm living room to crash in allowed us to recharge after our first hectic day. Eggs were prepared and enjoyed with some Sriracha and engine cleaner toast. (There was a loaf that didn't get hit too hard) Our lovely host had some errands to run, so we lured her into the bus yet again and hit up a camera shop and a Wal-Mart so she could do some x-mas shopping and we could get some tools and a second camera for the Hall boys. After all that logistic bs it was time for another absolutely necessary food mission: Cheese Steaks! StephSteph gave us live turn by turn directions to the big two: Pat's and Geeno's. We opted for Pat's, as Pierre had experienced Geeno's and was not impressed. Geeno's is lit up like a Christmas tree, but Pat's just has a simlpe looking setup. We ordered, and before the change hit the bottom of our pockets we were holding onto some fat steaming cheese whizzy delights. That shit was good, but according to Phil, the street vendors are the way to go. Whatever, it was the touristy things to do. With our bellies full we tried unsuccessfully to find a Bank of America, so we dropped Steph off and then pointed the Beer Gut down broad toward city hall to go skate an amazing looking barrier spot. Philup was kind enough to leave us a voicemail with clear concise directions to the spot. As we pulled up to the colored pillars, we discovered that the cover of the bridge was not enough to keep the snow away. A big icy slushy mess had posted up directly in front of the buttery looking barrier. Some boys from the hood gave us some funny looks as we stood there in dismay, wondering what to do. The raised barrier with added transition looked far to good to pass up, so I began sweeping away some of the shmutz with my foot. A 4 foot wide section was cleared and while the rest of the crew looked on, Evan and I proceeded to get some, rusted bearings be damned. Evan went straight for the throat with his proper balls deep front rocks. I surprised myself with a rock fakie, and a wallie launch over the back. Evan kept slipping out as I reached for my goto back d. After three or four tries, I succeeded somewhat sketchily, with Evan right behind me. At this point it was dark, the boys were cold, and we were ready to really skate the bowl. We dried off our skates, got a group photo from a kind 24" rimmed Caddy driving gentlemen, and headed back to HQ. After an hour wait at Steph's house, Phil called and gave us the green light. After a brisk walk in the winter air, we were back in the warehouse excited to git some. I'll let the video do the talking from here on out, there was too much ripping to list it all here...

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