
Day 2, Philly

So we woke up, took some showers and pillaged the continental breakfast in shifts. We shoveled ourselves out of the parking lot and then helped a couple of other stranded motorists escape their snow pits. We went and picked up Loki, then headed to Columbia University so that Geoff could hang out with a giiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrl. During that time, I took it upon myself to geek out and completely organize and pack the van to a T. We also fixed a drawer, cleaned out all of the trash, and got a bunch of funny looks, questions and comments about our home sweet home. After all of that we were on a mission; to score some real NY Pizza. It didn't take long, we only had to walk a block and a half and in and out of some posh salad bar/pizza everything else spot with some bullshit looking frechetta type balogna. The boys looked at the Pizza longingly, but I didn't give a second thought to walking out the door to find the real thing. It wasn't far away...across the street and up a block. I can't remember the name of the place, but it was legit; HUGE slices for 3.25$. That's what's up. We grabbed a slice for Philthee and headed back to the pristine, spacious van to G.T.F.O. of NY and hit the road to Philly. We picked up Steph, busted out the blankets and the Yahtzee and we were off.

Our arrival in Philly was much more pleasant than our arrival in NY. We were full, warm, had a definite place to stay, and had plenty of time to hook up with Phil and shred Philly's indoor slice of round walled heaven. (I met Phil back in 2008 while working at Camp Woodward) Within an hour of pulling into Philadelphia, we were seeing Phil Jackson's sweet smiling mug open the door to our real destination. Introductions were made, the snow was kicked off of our shoes, and the shredding began. I had been talking up Phil's front blunts for a bit, and he delivered one right away. We fumbled our way around the many curves and contours while we studied Phil's lines. By the end of the night, we all had some lines, I had figured out how to get over the love seat, Evan had bumped up to tailslide, Geoffrey got a second try wall smack, and Pierre had slashed up most every wall. Apparently Geoff was only the second to drop in on the big extension and Phil both ended and made out night/lives with an amazing fs wall jam to unexpected manual roll in. The first of which he had ever landed. Phil kept telling us that he had to leave soon, and eventually we took the hint. It was back to Stephs for a quick bite of leftovers and to litter the floor with our tired stinky asses and get some sleep for the next day of adventure...