Where does the time go? There's no way I can possibly recount the last 6 days by the minute so here's the general idea:
Started driving, stopped at Natural Bridge. 16$ to see a rock? We hopped the fence and saw it through the trees. Drove to Knoxville. Slept in the bus for the first time at a Flying J. Skated the park and got to take of our long johns for the first time. Met a ripper named Josh. Sessioned the peanut till' dark. Made spaghetti. Got a campground. Yahtzee and space heaters! Woke up and started driving to Nashville. Broke down an hour outside the city. Tried to figure out the problem. Called Triple A, got the runaround. Geoff and Everett hitched a ride to Lebanon where a shop was. Pierre and I waited 3+ hours for a tow. We read books and talked about feelings. Got a tow to Lebanon from a really nice deputy sheriff. Discovered that G and E had secured a place to park the van, power for our space heaters, and running water. The only downside was that we were 200' from a dog food factory. What a wonderful aroma! What was this magical place and who would be so gracious and hospitable to put up these four dastardly dirtbags? Happie; the ex-carnie, Truck washing wild man that calls the far corner of the Pete's Truck Stop parking lot home. Over the course of the next two days, he hooked us up with an extension cord, bought us coffee, chauffeured us around in his golf cart, gave us directions to Wally-World, hooked us up with a guy to fix the bus, ran Loki ragged with a non-stop game of fetch, told a hundred stories and most importantly, made us laugh our asses off every time we talked with him. While we waited through Sunday to purchase the part, we discovered a pole jam, a tipped over barrier, a bunch of regular barriers, and a manual pad; a skatepark in our temporary front yard! Pierre got the no-comply jam first try, and Geoff got the straight jam first try. Everett did it too, this being his first one. Then proceeded to roll the shit out of his ankle trying it again. We also walked the tracks to Wal Mart and found a rail yard with some big, out of commission double-decker rail cars. Once Monday rolled around, we had the part, and Allen, our private mechanic began working with the boys on getting the Beer Gut back on the road. After 2 or 3 hours of tinkering, she fired up! Then immediately stalled out... Then we got it started again! Then it stalled out again. This happened at least fifty times before the timing on the distributor was set, and the bus started up and idled like a charm. We were sooooooooooooooo pumped. Don't get me wrong, Pete's was amazing, Happie is the man, but we were ready to get back on the road and skate some crete'!
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