
Day 5, Harrisburg

So we came to Harrisburg to see an old friend of Everett's that he worked with in Utah. Our only plan was to kick it with Leeland and get the wipers fixed. We didn't end up figuring out the wipers, but we did get a wonderful surprise that we were not expecting at all. There was talk of it the night before, and magically after a wonderful bacon n' eggs breakfast, Leeland informed us that he had an in and that we definitely could go skate a backyard bowl about a half hour away. We took care of some logistics and made a plan to hit up Knoxville then Nashville TN, and head to Atlanta where there is a cluster of decent crete', and end up in New Orleans to catch the New Years party! Evan checked out some bus times and then we were off in the Impala; 6 dudes and a big ass dog bombin' around PAs capitol. We pulled into some dudes driveway out in the sticks and were pleasantly surprised to see a buttery mini ramp and bowl. All pool coping, a vert wall, 5 foot section, a 90 degree hip, a rounded hip, a shallow end and some really cool tight quick roller coaster pockets. The owner/builder was present, ripping, and I do mean absolutely ripping with a couple of friends. Geoffrey took it easy due to a swollen knee, but the rest of us got right to thawing our feet out and finding our lines. Our host blew our minds pretty much every run by whipping around, slashing, grinding, airing, and sliding his way through and over every wall, pocket, corner, and hip, flowing like water. A face high tweaked out FS air over the rounded hip from deep to shallow made everyones jaws hit the deck. I narrowly avoided catastrophe when I blew a bearing after a drop in and a pump. Evan ruled the mini, Everett got his first pool coping 50 into a pocket, I got my first BSTS on vert, and Pierre floated some buttery fs ollies. Eventually and unfortunately it was time for Evan to catch his bus to Albany. The sun was setting, the session was heated, and now it was time for sustenance. We sped back to the Berg, dropped Evan off and said our goodbyes, and made our way back to HQ to cook up some chili. Tomatoes, corn, carrots, cheddar, black beans and chili powder combined with some rice had everyone rubbing their bellies within a couple of hours. Everyone passed out early tuckered out and full, ready to get up and charge it to Tennessee early tomorrow morning. Thanks Leeland, your floor was comfortable and your kitchen was good to us. Thanks for hooking us up with the bowl!

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